Garden Route Driving Distances

Here you will find 's table of Garden Route driving distances and driving times between some of the major Garden Route towns. We include a rough guide of how long it should take to drive between the Garden Route towns, but obviously these Garden Route driving times can vary depending on traffic and weather. The roads along the Garden Route are generally very good and driving is a great way to see this beautiful region of South Africa. If you are looking for suggestions of where to go in  the Eastern Cape and Garden Route South Africa, check out our Garden Route Regional Info or our Garden Route suggested Itineraries.

  Cape Town Mossel Bay George Oudtshoorn Knysna Plettenberg Bay Port Elizabeth
Cape Town
380 km
4 hours
424 km
4-5 hours
483 km
5 hours
483 km
5 hours
514 km
5-6 hours
741 km
8-9 hours
Mossel Bay
380 km
4 hours
50 km
½-1 hour
83 km
1-1½ hours
110 km
1-2 hours
141 km
2 hours
383 km
4 hours
424 km
4-5 hours
50 km
½-1 hour
65 km
1 hour
64 km
1 hour
94 km
1-1 ½ hour
321 km
4 hours
483 km
5 hours
83 km
1 hour
65 km
1 hour
124 km
2 hours
154 km
2 hours
381 km
4 hours
483 km
5 hours
110 km
1½ hours
64 km
1 hour
124 km
1½-2 hours
34 km
½ hour
261 km
3 hours
Plettenberg Bay
514 km
5-6 hours
141 km
1-2 hours
94 km
1-1½ hours
154 km
2 hours
34 km
½ hour
233 km
2 ½-3 hours
Port Elizabeth
741 km
8-9 hours
383 km
4 hours
321 km
3-4 hours
381 km
4 hours
261 km
3 hours
233 km
2½-3 hours